In this engaging and provocative series, Dr Javid Abelmoneim poses some of the most profound questions facing the UK today.
Is the way we treat boys and girls in childhood the real reason we still haven’t achieved true equality between men and women in adult life? And could stripping away the pink and blue – and the other more subtle ways that boys and girls are shaped to be different – be the way to raise kids with abilities and attitudes that are the same regardless of their gender?
In two hour-long programmes for BBC Two, Dr Javid is setting out to find answers in a bold but simple experiment. He is taking over Year 3 in Lanesend primary school in the Isle of Wight, aiming to remove all differences in the way boys and girls are treated and to see if, after a term of ‘gender neutral’ treatment, he can even out the gaps in their achievement across a range of important psychological measures – from self-confidence to emotional intelligence.

- "A rather splendid two parter."
The Guardian - "Validating."
The New Statesman - "A really interesting programme."
Changing - "A fascinating doc."
Twitter @guest37149049 - "Highly recommend."
Twitter @peachesschalien - "This is really powerful and moving. By empowering individuals we transform society."
Google Review - Christy Li