Over the pandemic we’ve spent a lot of time at home, recognising just how much our houses frustrate us. Too small. Nowhere to work. Nowhere to escape the kids.
The first impulse might be to sell the house and buy bigger, but in this extended order of the entertaining format, businesswoman and TV property expert Sarah Beeny shows that a better solution could be to make the space you have work smarter.
In her popular returning makeover series, Sarah visits more UK properties to look around problem homes before installing cameras to monitor how the owners use them.
Armed with this data, she generates life-size digital floor plans that bring her design, layout, and bold new décor concepts alive. After following each renovation over months of ups and downs, Sarah revisits each household to see for herself that if you re-think - then re-design - the space you have, it can be far better to renovate, not relocate.
On this show I'm using life sized floorpans to bring new designs alive!
Sarah Beeny